International Journal of Computer Networks and Applications (IJCNA)

Published By EverScience Publications

ISSN : 2395-0455

International Journal of Computer Networks and Applications (IJCNA)

International Journal of Computer Networks and Applications (IJCNA)

Published By EverScience Publications

ISSN : 2395-0455

Concepts and Contributions of Edge Computing in Internet of Things (IoT): A Survey

Author NameAuthor Details

S. Magesh, J. Indumathi , Radha RamMohan. S, Niveditha V. R,P. Shanmuga Prabha

S. Magesh[1]

J. Indumathi [2]

Radha RamMohan. S[3]

Niveditha V. R[4]

P. Shanmuga Prabha[5]

[1]Maruthi Technocrat E Services, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

[2]Department of Information Science and Technology, Anna University, CEG, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

[3]Department of Computer Applications, Dr. M.G.R Educational and Research Institute, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

[4]Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Dr M.G.R Educational and Research Institute, Chennai, Tamil Nadu , India

[5]Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Saveetha School of Engineering, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India


Edge has become a growing trend in recent years. Bringing computing and analytics remarkably close to the data where it originated is the leading cause of edge computing. As the data is growing day by day, there arises the bottleneck in computation and network layers. Due to the enormous growth of Internet of Things (IoT) devices with its recent applications, the need for real-time computation has readily driven edge computing. Today data processing is an excellent paradigm for real-time data. In the integration of various IoT devices to solve the computing perplexities, created the emergence of the Edge computing. This paper clarifies concepts and contributions of edge computing associated with IoT devices. The proposed work produces a thumbnail survey on edge computing and its performance management towards IoT devices. The characteristics and architecture of Edge computing over IoT devices are furnished. The state-of-the-art on edge computing applications in the real-time scenario is discussed in this article. The proposed work explores the key benefits of Edge computing towards IoT devices, along with the comparative principles of edge computing over the Cloud, are represented. The existing challenges of edge computing are also discussed in this work.

Index Terms

Edge Computing

IoT devices

Data Processing

Performance Computing


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