International Journal of Computer Networks and Applications (IJCNA)

Published By EverScience Publications

ISSN : 2395-0455

International Journal of Computer Networks and Applications (IJCNA)

International Journal of Computer Networks and Applications (IJCNA)

Published By EverScience Publications

ISSN : 2395-0455

Energy Efficient Cluster Formation and Multihop Routing Based on Improved Harmony Search Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks

Author NameAuthor Details

G V Sowmya, R Aparna

G V Sowmya[1]

R Aparna[2]

[1]Department of Information Science and Engineering, Jawaharlal Nehru New College of Engineering (Visvesveraya Technological University, Belagavi), Shimoga, Karnataka, India

[2]Department of Information Science and Engineering, Siddaganga Institute of Technology (Visvesveraya Technological University, Belagavi), Tumakuru, Karnataka, India


Energy efficiency plays a crucial role in extending the operational lifespan of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). It stands as the foremost objective for any routing algorithm designed for WSNs. This study centers on enhancing communication efficiency through a multihop approach guided by the Harmony Search Algorithm (HSA). The process incorporates Cluster Head (CH) selection through the utilization of the HSA and by assessing the quality of the communication channel. There are instances where a channel possesses high capacity, yet it transmits minimal data, leading to resource underutilization. Therefore, if the communication channel’s quality is pre-determined, then algorithms can be developed to establish an upper limit for channel usage, ensuring congestion free and error free maximum data transmission. In the proposed methodology, parameters such as residual energy, distance and node degree were taken into account for CH selection. Subsequently, clusters were formed based on Shannon Channel Capacity ‘C’ and path loss model. Following the CH selection and cluster formation, a communication was established using HSA. A comparative analysis was conducted on network life span, packets sent to Base Station (BS) and energy utilization for the three algorithms, Energy Efficient Harmony Search Based Routing (EEHSBR), Clustering and Routing in wireless sensor networks using Harmony Search Algorithm (CRHS), and Robust Harmony Search Algorithm based clustering protocol for wireless sensor networks (RHSA).

Index Terms

Wireless Sensor Network

Harmony Search Algorithm

Shannon Channel Capacity ‘C’

Path Loss model

Cluster Head

Harmony Memory


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